Personalised Travel Planning is an established approach that enables people to think about the way they currently travel and provides them with the information, advice and motivation to walk, cycle and use public transport more often.
Research has shown that many journeys, particularly shorter ones, could be made on foot, bike, or public transport, and without any infrastructure or service improvements. People often use their cars out of habit or are not aware of the alternative options available.
Personalised Travel Planning is about breaking down the subjective barriers to using sustainable transport and providing attractive and reliable information on the alternatives.
It can be delivered in a variety of settings including:
- Residential
- Workplaces
- Schools
- Further and higher education
- Public events
- Transport and community hubs
Personalised Travel Planning in action
We have been working with a range of European partners to deliver and monitor the benefits of Personalised Travel Planning. Running in Antwerp, Burgos, Ljubljana, London (Haringey and Greenwich) and Riga, the project has delivered behaviour change away from the car and also increased capacity and skills across partner nations. PTP-Cycle ran from 2013 until 2016. During the project, PTP was delivered to nearly 47,300 participants.
The project was co-funded by the Intelligent Energy-Europe Programme granted by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). Sustrans was the expert partner, designing and delivering training to partner cities. There was also a practitioner mentoring scheme which saw cities partner-up to deliver study visits to increase the skills and knowledge of their teams. In 3 years, the project has delivered:
- Reduction of car fuel consumption by 401,000 litres
- Decrease of car kilometres by 7,931,000
- Reduction of CO2 emissions by 1031 tonnes
- Reduction in traffic noise, saving €13,500 after one year (based on calculation tools from CE Delft)
- Reduction of absenteeism by 2.2 days on average per person
The project has demonstrated that Personalised Travel Planning is a successful transferable methodology in five different countries and in multiple settings.